Saturday, July 13, 2013

Combating Acne with Blue Light

Before (left) and After (right)
Acne grows uncontrollably? Do you want to reduce the number of acne spots on your face? Acne does not only affect teenagers, men and women in their 30s may also have acne problem. Acne is affected by factors such as hormonal activity due to age or stress, medication, hereditary, or poor diet. 

Perhaps you have tried heaps of acne medication without any satisfying result. Some may even have long term consequences. For instance, skin thinning that makes your skin sensitive to sunlight and your blood vessels visible, depression, or allergic reaction to acne medicines. Antibiotic acne medication may cause acne-causing bacteria become antibiotic resistant. Thus, stronger dose or different kind of antibiotic is required. (Morton CA et al, Journal Dermatology Treatment, 2005).


Are you frustrated by acne? Do you lack self confidence due to acne? You need to understand some of the acne-causing factors. 

Black Comedone (Black Head) Vs White Comedones (White Head)
Acne can appear as black head (black comedone), white head (white comedone), nodulespapulae, and cystic. Comedone is a mild primary acne lesion. Black head appears when a clogged hair follicle is exposed. By contrast, white head appears when a clogged hair follicle remains closed. 

Other Forms of Acne
  1. Papulae is a small acne lesion (diameter 0.5 cm), reddish in color, and slightly prominent on skin surface. 
  2. Pustules is a small acne lesion and tender  because it contains pus. The base of pustules is usually reddish in color.
  3. Nodules is a larger acne lesion (swelling) and planted deeper than papulae. It has a round shape and usually painful. 
  4. Cysts is also usually painful. It is planted deeper than nodulesCysts contains fluid or semi solid matter. Nodules and cysts can result in big acne scars. 

Acne - Causing Factors
  1. Main acne - causing factor is hormonal activity that increases sebum production. High level of sex hormone, Androgen, during puberty is the main culprit of acne. Elevated Androgen and cortisol (a type of steroid hormone) levels also occur during stress. Stress hinders tissue recovery, thus exacerbate inflammation. Another acne - triggering hormone is elevated Lutenizing Hormone (LH) level in women after ovulation and endocrine gland disorder (e.g. ovarium cysts and tumor). 

Friday, July 12, 2013

Acne Season

What is Acne?

Many people have / had acne problem at some point in their life. Acne is not dangerous, however, can be frustrating when it appears on your face. Acne is a pilosebaceous unit (PU) inflammation in skin. PU consists of hair follicle and several sebaceous glands. Sebaceous glands produce oil (sebum) to protect and keep moisture on your skin and hair. Sebum does not immediately flow onto skin surface. It is firstly released from sebaceous gland into hair follicle.


Overproduction of sebum in hair follicle causes acne. Sebum accumulation mixed with keratinocyte growth (keratinocyte is a type of skin cells that produces keratin) clogs hair follicle and becomes a suitable habitat for Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes) bacteria to grow. P. acne produces enzymes that cause inflammation. 

Acne - causing factors please read the following URL Link:

Acne effects on skin are hyperpigmentation (dark spots) and scar tissue (deep hollow skin mark with jagged edges) 

Depression and lack of self confidence are common psychological impact of acne.