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Blue Light & HeNe Laser Acne Therapy |
This page contains Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Blue Light and HeNe Laser Therapy for acne in Mitra Laboratory Clinic:
- How much is Blue Light & HeNe Laser therapy for acne? Rp. 150 000 ($USD 15) per session (per visit) paid in cash before therapy.
- How long does Blue Light & HeNe Laser therapy for acne last? The therapy takes approximately 20 minutes up to 1 hour per session depends on the acne E.g. the skin area to be exposed to the Blue Light and HeNe Laser during the therapy.
- How many sessions are required to treat acne with Blue Light & HeNe Laser? Approximately 10 to 15 sessions (once every 2 days) depends on the acne to be treated. E.g. more than 15 session maybe required for severe acne.
- Are Blue Light and HeNe Laser simultaneously applied on every therapy session? Usually both light sources are simultaneously applied. However, depends on observation, sometimes only one light source is initially applied before the other one follows in the following session(s).
- Is there any discomfort (e.g. pain, etc) during Blue Light & HeNe Laser Therapy? No. Patients usually feel warm during the therapy.
- Can acne reappear after the therapy? Yes because acne is caused by many factors beyond our therapy program's control and monitoring. E.g. hormonal activity during puberty, stress, unsuitable cosmetic products, poor diet, pregnancy, medicine, etc.
- What are the requirements to be eligible for this therapy? Pregnant women are not allowed. You must register at least a day in advance prior to your preferred date to confirm availability.
- Are there any side effects of Blue Light & HeNe Laser laser therapy? No side effects are found to this day. Some scientific journals reported temporary skin reddening after the therapy.
- When will the benefit of Blue Light & Hene Laser therapy be visible? It depends on the patient's condition and discipline to follow through the therapy program. E.g. patient comes only once in two weeks or once a month, patient continues to apply acne-triggering cosmetic products, etc. Thus, the benefit of Blue Light & HeNe laser therapy become less optimal. Some may see benefit after 4 - 5 sessions. However, drastic improvement (significant acne reduction) usually takes takes longer time / more sessions.
- Do you have any branch office? No. We are only in Semarang.
- Are additional medication required? Depends on the acne after observation. Generally no additional medication is required because one of the main purpose of Blue Light & HeNe Laser therapy is to minimize the use of chemical products to control acne.
Acne needs to be controlled. More acne may grow if you delay to control it. Acne become more difficult to care.
Information and registration
Mitra Laboratory Clinic (www.mitralab.com)
Jl. Stadion Selatan 11, Semarang
024 - 831 6334 (Senin sampai Minggu dan hari libur tetap melayani)
024 - 844 4149 (Minggu dan hari libur tidak melayani)
Handphone (SMS dan telepon):
081 90 111 8719 (XL)
081 74 174 770 (XL)
Whatsapp: 081 74 174 355
Facebook: Mitra Laboratorium Klinik.
Blog: mitralab.blogdetik.com (INDONESIAN LANGUAGE ONLY)
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